This is the returned value from /code_gpt/relevance. This will return the snippets that we found are relevant to the query you provided. (optional) answer: in the case you provided question: true, then we will also return to you the answer to your question. Note: - relevant: this is required property and will represent the relevant snippets, to your specific query.(NOTE: these snippet will all have respective id's and seed defined. even though id and seed are optional)
Name | Type |
schema | EmbeddedModelSchema |
answer | QGPTQuestionOutput |
relevant | RelevantQGPTSeeds |
import { QGPTRelevanceOutput } from '@pieces.app/pieces-os-client'
// TODO: Update the object below with actual values
const example: QGPTRelevanceOutput = {
"schema": null,
"answer": null,
"relevant": null,
// Convert the instance to a JSON string
const exampleJSON: string = JSON.stringify(example)
// Parse the JSON string back to an object
const exampleParsed = JSON.parse(exampleJSON) as QGPTRelevanceOutput