This is seed data that will be come an asset. discovered: if set to true this seededAsset was discovered using one of our discovery endpoints. pseudo: if this is an asset that a user did NOT explicitly save. available: This is a model that is used within our '/assets/draft' endpoint that will emitt a seed with all the available format that one can generate based on the original seed that was passed in. ie if a png was passed in, we may say that there is a text/code format available. If available formats is passed into the '/assets/create' we will short curcuit certain operations to speed up the process, for instance, if we determine that there is no text within this image then there is no sense in running ocr.
Name | Type |
schema | EmbeddedModelSchema |
metadata | SeededAssetMetadata |
application | Application |
format | SeededFormat |
discovered | boolean |
available | AvailableFormats |
pseudo | boolean |
enrichment | SeededAssetEnrichment |
demo | boolean |
import { SeededAsset } from ''
// TODO: Update the object below with actual values
const example: SeededAsset = {
"schema": null,
"metadata": null,
"application": null,
"format": null,
"discovered": null,
"available": null,
"pseudo": null,
"enrichment": null,
"demo": null,
// Convert the instance to a JSON string
const exampleJSON: string = JSON.stringify(example)
// Parse the JSON string back to an object
const exampleParsed = JSON.parse(exampleJSON) as SeededAsset