Bytes is a Model for A FileFormat. Raw and file are the only 2 that are currently supported. Raw and file are an array of integers that represent the file.Typical conversion UTF8 -> array[int] or UTF8 -> array[bytes(in hexidecimal)] -> array[int]. Either way you convert is up to you but the type we need here is an array of integers. [NOT IMPLEMENTED] base64, base64_url, data_url [IMPLEMENTED] raw
Name | Type |
schema | EmbeddedModelSchema |
raw | Array<number> |
base64 | Array<number> |
base64Url | Array<number> |
dataUrl | Array<number> |
import { TransferableBytes } from ''
// TODO: Update the object below with actual values
const example: TransferableBytes = {
"schema": null,
"raw": null,
"base64": null,
"base64Url": null,
"dataUrl": null,
// Convert the instance to a JSON string
const exampleJSON: string = JSON.stringify(example)
// Parse the JSON string back to an object
const exampleParsed = JSON.parse(exampleJSON) as TransferableBytes